Hi! I’m Amanda, and I’m glad you’re here!

Originally from the PNW I have called The Black Hills home for around 10 years. I live here with my beautiful family, my husband Seth, and our young daughter. Together we bring our dreams to life and I wouldn’t have it any other way but together. When I’m not tattooing I’ve got my nose in a book or I’m lost in the woods.

Tattooing for over six years now, I received training from Loren Gooden and Matt Thrash. I am grateful for the opportunity to carry on a good name for the tattoo trade, and known in a new wave of female tattooers (great job ladies!!). This career has blessed me with provision for my family, and fostered relationships with lifelong friends. I seek to continue my growth both in creative talent and personally so that I can bring my best to our community. One thing I never expected as a tattooer is the stories we hold space for. Grief, celebration, empowerment…I’m often left speechless by day to day encounters with the clients who trust me to share in these moments with them. If I can make you feel safe and make you laugh, it’s the best day for me.

What Inspires me: Stories. Human experience, Books, Nature…In tattooing I love the whimsical and cute as well as refined or artsy. (See portfolio).

Warning: dad jokes are my bread

Thanks for letting me share a bit of myself with you; now let’s make some art!